Of course if i ask somebody who is living a sedentary life style ,what you need now he will say most probably money.There is the place where we mke blunders.If you think logically not pratically money is just a paper or a metal coin,but pratically we loose our humanity or dignity because of it.
so what we need?
1.We need morality in our soul.
2.We need a good well ruling country.
3.We need a good companion in the form of friends or life partner/partners.
4.We need a good human value which make us a good adamite.
5.We need a good inner personality.
6.We have to make ourself good to others.
7.Help people when they need us.
8.Don't ever look down at people and being proud of yourself.
9.Look out and seek the truth.
10.Learn more about you and the world.