Yes the above figure would tell tou the exact meaning of fake friends.Since i came to this world and to the current time i had encountered with many untrustworthy blood suckers who call themselves as friend.
I just cant understand why people are sometime act rather more cruel and cantakerous to the level of animals.Sometime we cant even distinguish the differences between such people and animals though human have IQ but it's useless.
Personally i had been went through so many life ethics with this kind of people and the hardest time is when i cant differenciate the fake with the real.But soon it reveals its own identity to be a pasted one.I felt so miserable when they take me for granted and used me for their self centered attitude and take an advantage over myself. USE AND THROW is their fav quotation.People like this should never be given the oppurtunity of be friending with others. But we sometime have to be more carefull when having a betrayer just beside us and who might be sipping a cup of coffee with ur money but doing his own plan in his mind of betraying YOU.That's called as friend eat friend ( they worst than cannibals)!!!
Note: this is written not to hurt someone's feelings but to inform the someone that i'm no more your puppet, MORON!