"If you can read this you should thank your teacher", an impressive yet inducive quotation that i should say somewhere made to glance over a teacher's sacrifice for her students. Nowadays the trend are evolving to a new transformation.Where people are thinking everyone should given an equal rights and a good legacy of living but even though human emancipation is really important but we shouldn't forget the courtesy of living. Yes we shouldn't forget that we suppose to respect the elderly especially our teachers.
No matter who they are and what they did to our life in a very bad condition but one thing we should remember they still make some difference in our life and do some changes in the way of thinking.I should tell a mesmerizing story from an epic tale mahabharata...as it goes....
A very long time ago, there lived a minor community at the Gandharwa forest and a chief was their leader and the guidance. The chief had a son named Eklayva who are very polite and more matured than his age.This boy always get distracted and no more the same.He stops playing with his friends and kind of lost something important in his life as he is always deep thinking about something.One day the chief get to know about this and he asked his son what is disturbing him. Without delaying any seconds Eklayva told his father that he is long dreaming about learning Archery. The chief surprised and astonished as the young boy who suppose to play with his peers and enjoy the childhood had a strange vision at this very tender age. But the chief doesn't oppose his lovely son's ambition. More to surprise he encourage the boy and told him tomorrow they will find a person to teach his son the art of archery.
Before the chief finish saying " father, you don't have to go too far to find a teacher for me as i have one for myself". The chief is very curious to know who is his teacher and thus he asked. Elayva said it is none other than the great sage Dronacharya. The chief is afraid of his son's wish that could be a failure. But he didn't said any word further.He asked his son to go and meet his manasiga guru(idol) the next morning. The boy went to the kurushestra(where all the great kings of the panadavas are living) and politely respected the great sage with all the bow and so on.The guru liked the boy and asked him where he is from and Eklayva said he is the son ofgreat chief of Gandharva forest.It is the custom of the veda that a person from a high cast that should not teach a lower cast person. Thus the guru said it is against the tradition and asked him to leave the shestra. Before the boy leave the place Arjuna intermediates the conversation and humiliated the Eklayva. Eklayva felt unfair and told to himself that he is also a son for King of the jungle.But without any word against them he straight away head to his native land. At there he went to a lake beside his house and took the clay near the shore and mold it into Dronacharya's figure. He pledged to himself that the sculpture would be his his idol and he would practice archery by himself.
As day passes Eklayva became a best archer ever.Way better than Archuna. One day Guru Drona and his disciple passed the forest and at that moment Eklayva took his arrow and Bow arched towards a dog mouth which made annoying barking sound lately.Drona who witnessed this went to that boy and asked him who is him and who was his teacher and Eklayva with honor told the guru that, Drona himself is the guru to Eklayva and his learnt this art from the idol that he made out of his sculpture. Surprised Drona was speechless.But envied Arjuna dissatisfied with his guru who promised to make him as the best archer of the world. So the guilty Drona asked the boy to cut his thumb as the guru takshina( respect for the teacher). Without further ado innocent Eklayva cut his right thumb and give it to Drona. Surprised and at the same time ashamed drona asked for the God's help to bless this innocent kid.All the angels and Muni's bleesed the boy all the wealth and health.Eventhough his right thumb was given as a Guru Takshina but Eklayva used his index finger to do archery, even better than before.
Therefore the moral of this story is no matter what your teacher said about you or humiliated you infront of public you should take it at your stride and keep striving to get the best out of the best.Never go against of them as there are always a reason for their actions.......Be a good kid....
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