I find it even difficult in a university environment where people stare at you for hours without being distracted as if they seen someone from Mars or Jupiter for instance. If you are not dare enough to have or wear something as we the fashionistas worn, just keep shut up and get off. Owh may be they are astonished with what i have *Positive thinking always help you to glide through hard circumstances- believe me, i had it numerous*
Hola guys,
How you guys have been? It has been such a long time since i blogged, for last time was hit up by my anger. Anyhow guys, this time as the title speaks itself, i would like to touch on the topic of fashion and gender identification. Yes, irony doesn't it?
How do you feel, when you enter a new boutique house or a shopping mall, apparently Gucci, Seed, Valentino Creation, Yves Saint Lauren and lots more? The moment when you smell the fresh invigorating smell of fresh garments and the Kashmir fabrics, scintillating and shinning pair of new Italian leather shoes, sleek Cole Haan stilettos and a matching scarf and a comfy jacket that just add a lil extra gist and a mysterious gimmick to that of your outfit, owh man i can have a fashion orgasm!! They call it exaggeration and extravagance but i name it fashion sense and dress to the nine, absolutely fine.
But, just hold on....What i found and still finding as a holding point here is that of a local community's perceptions and stereotypes with a heady mixture of skepticism towards to those who had the fashion as mine or even better to the extreme. Dressing up finely as in a real fashion sense makes me personally to have self confidence and a positive ego. However, people tend to look weird at males who have shoulder bags but call it handbag.... Guys come on.... It is the new fashion. A bag is it is for the usage of what an ordinary bag can do and why there are a lot of misconception of one carrying a bag which has a kind of similar design as of a female and certain features distinguishes it from a female's one. Anyhow a bag is still a bag.
Well thinking about it, i just hate of myself being such a naggy. Here's the point. Every morning you wake up just think that you are born to wear those designer made itineraries and at the end of the day just be proud of yourself of made through the whole day. Sometimes it hurts, but remember no pain no gain and pain is always beautiful. Dont worry about your size, as fashion comes in all sizes. Till then see you babies in my next post...
The Boy in the Gray Scarf.....
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