Today i feel really sad. Do you guys know why? Well, there has been some rumors spreading about me in facebook as one of the person who dislikes me posted something unhappy about me. I find it kinda offensive, yeah i'm not a person who usually never give it a fuckin' damn about anything but u know, i'm an ordinary human being who has the necessity to feel sad right?
Anyhow, i just wanna talk about Malaysians' mindset or views on fashion today. As we all know, this land is majorly populated by three races, Indians, Malays and Chinese. Due to the cultural differences, each race has it own views towards fashion. Some may be a lil' conservative and conceited, while some may be vastly open minded and some would be in the middle, well they will opt to go for contemporary fashion.
One thing i find is that, Indians are not that receptive towards fashion as the cultural background is too conformed and there are certain rules and regulations to be followed. This will get serious, when the family is too conservative and reserved type and not letting their children to experiment with fashion.
But sadly, i have to admit that certain Indians are away from the current trend and their view towards fashion world is very shallow. Come to my story, i like to carry shoulder bag/ tote bag and my friends used to call it as handbag and some of my best friends also never understand the fashion and keep on telling me to change to a normal backpack. But, Hey, come which century are u livin' in?
It's acceptable when the runway model carrying the bag but it's not acceptable when an indian boy carry that bag? How logic is this? If you dont know anything about fashion, please dont give that killing stare at people as if you are telling them, "hey dude, when u changed your gender?"- nonsense....
Well readers, i just expressed what was bothering me for several months and yeah here it is....
Anyhow, hope you all had nice weekend and have a productive day ahead.
Bye and a big chaa from me.... catch you all up later @.@