Monday, 21 October 2013

Male and Dance to Gender Equality

Hello my dear readers,

Owh gosh today was a effing hectic day for me as i had lecture classes from 9 am till 7.30pm. I'm tellin' u...i'm half dead, my freaking goodness gracious.

Well, there are so many good souls beside me and they surround me with their good aura that further emphasize the reason why i'm still breathing this air *awww moment*....

Hahhaha anyhow, let me go back to today's topic.The post will be more androgenic today hahhaha....

Yes i will be talking about the involvement of male in dancing or choreography industry....and hold on as this post is not a sexist remark on a particular gender neither i'm being gender biased but it's just another random post.

So, FYI  I, myself currently learning classical dance and i came across many gnder based remarks thrown on me as even some of my classmates say that dance is not for man. Well who the hell in the first place actually came up with such theories that man can't wear pink colours, man can't be dancing, man can't be singing, man can't this and man can't that. Owh my God i'm just tired of all this remarks....simply learning a dance form won't change the way you are living your life but what it will do is that, it will make you even better.

Another one more thing i really hate is that of marginalizing transvestite society. I just can't understand this particular area of human where they tend to throw dirty jokes, gender remarks, calling by silly names (especially in Malaysia- worst in Malay and Indian community- calling as bapok, pondan, aqua, sissy, what else? apa lagi? ), throwing an raw, dry and empty look towards them as if they are some kind of harmful toxic that can anytime infect the society and use them as a sexual prank object or a sex machine.
Do you guys know something for serious shit that when you born you are born with female chromosomes and only the hormonal changes causes to determine your sexuality? For them they had them implicit and difficulty in their birth stage and thus they born with a common gender externally and genuine gender internally. As far as I know, God is the one who created us and he is the one who set the boundaries and we are all his players on the stage and who we are to decide what is best for others? If you can't even live your life in a better way kenapa pandai sangat nak pergi ubah kehidupan orang lain?

Guys do think about this..... I really felt this very disturbing since i was a kid. Understand what other's are feeling and be emphatically intelligent. Doesn't mean that God created your with a flexible mouth and a boneless tongue, you can judge others and criticize them. Change your outlook on how you are treating people.

Rather categorizing people into gender. why not look at them as a human who has the heart same as u, the brain same as u and has all the feelings same as u and while when there are so many similarities why so many distinct behavior ruling us?

Think about this Guys,.....

Till then it's me your fav blogger Param signing off buhbye and big chaaa ^.^


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