Hey there,
Do u guys know something? We have a lot's of wizards among us who are very prevalent and they are moving freely with their super powers.... Wanna know who are they?
They are our programming wizards...
Yes programmers are the real heroes cuz coding changes the world's perspective and slowly moving the angle of view towards certain issue to something extraordinary...If someone would have told me that coding is about humanity cuz you are helping people do their jobs easier and better, it would have changed the outlook back then.
Programmers are everywhere and their contribution to any form of industry is really enormous and insurmountable. However, malaysian universities and schools are fail to expose their students to coding atmosphere. As for instance, i myself learnt coding in my freshman years and still struggling. I wish the malaysian system change for a better one to expose more malaysian students to the computer based environments.
Watch this video and spare your thought. Have a nice day till then it's me your favourite blogger Param signing off. Wafuaa....and a big chaaa ^.^
- “Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer
because it teaches you how to think.”
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