It's one fine Friday today, well freakishly fine enough! Yeah, i had my OOP midterm and I have no idea or single clue on whether I nailed it or screwed it. Whatever it is, let's not fret on bygones.
Hey I need to ask you people, do you guys have this strong, peculiar, unexpected and uncontrollable urge on doing something that you shouldn't do during midterm period?
Well I should say, I do have this weird thing going on. I can't resist myself from watching my fav shows like project runway, ANTM and movies and reading novels during this kind of time. I hate myself doing all this unimportant stuff during this crucial period, owh but i just can't stop or refrain myself from doing it. Why can't I just do it some other time?
So i had this one casual conversation with my besties right after the test, and know what, they do have the same freakishly peculiar behavior or habit as mine. Owh thank god, i'm not alone!!
So here what I gotta say to those juniors of UNITEN....
Lil' something for those who are still figuring out the ways and measures ! How we actually survived? It's a miracle! I can't believe I'm actually writing this up :P
(If you have what it takes to succeed , and you know how to work it out, definitely you will be able to face all the prospective turbulence.)
Anyhow, we do study like till 6 and 7am without sleeping whole day, (uh, uh keep your judge in your pocket boy), it's not last minute, but it's the work of maestro! hahaha yeah....we are actually a bunch of smarty pants who love to sit in the front and listening to the lectures meanwhile it's passing from an ear to the other, but we do have this weird magic in us, that we put it all together and make things happen.
How we do that? Confidence! yes it's important if you are a student and crucially mega important if you are an undergraduate. That is how you survive, well not mostly, but somehow it's a method in one way or another which actually works,at least for me.
Prove? Yeah I have this one bestie, who love to watch movies especially during exam time but she always score her exam. It does't mean she didn't put her hardwork but simply because she trust herself and she pays attention to important facts. She loves reading and at the same time she never lose focus in class. Entertainment is very important if you are still studying, but don't take it too serious and enjoy your ass out because you can only be undergraduate for once, unless you repeat or take another course of studies , like double degree, per se....
So, what she all do is that, she study the important parts, she understand the concepts and then she work that out in a piece of paper and solve problem based questions. IF let's say you have no paper based sources, there's plenty on the can always google it out and dang, done your issue.
Try to make a good use of metalab and UNITEN library resources. I'm sure most of you complaining about the miscellaneous fees you are paying for library services and all...just my saying, why not start using the facility rather paying bills blindly? I'm sure you can do way better than dating at shopping complexes and spending arms and legs at some expensive resorts #####justSayin'
So that's what it all takes, and so that's how we survived our 3 years at here, counting another one more.....Time flies really fast damn!!! Nevertheless, i will never ask you to completely follow this, because it may work on us, it may not on you, remember "what's chocolate for me, may be mocha for you"- either way i love it hahah
Somehow, always try to figure out your own potential, what you are good at and and how you can put your own magic and signature onto it. Remember as i said before, your imprint is totally unique so don't simply follow up your friend just for the sake of following a style and ended up yourself being in a large loophole. Trust me, you can't afford pitfall during your sophomore or junior, senior years. It's the year when all your smart ass works and hard works speak for itself.
So this is how i always picture myself, enough advice for tonight...Have great fun fill weekend ahead.
Yours Truly,
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