Well I had this most random thoughts on thinking of all the miseries people are going through or went through, and will(pray hard not), just it hit me up so strong and insurmountably on my emotional perspective on why all this bad things are happening?
I mean, why people born with physical impairments and mental disabilities? Why people are going through too many hardships and struggles in their life? Just because to add spice into life or making our life more meaningful as nothing comes so easily per se?
But i just don't find it fair or okay... even if let's say it's your karma or you are fated in such way, why not God give a free pass to all of us on one fine day, when we wake up all our faults and sins forgiven by Him, and we start afresh !
Then, we all will never have a single recount on our previous regressions. No human will be doing mistakes or wrongs after that happens. We'll be finally pure as in pure heart, thoughts and behavior.
We don't have to worry about crimes, cuz there will be no crimes after all the word crime will lose it's definition... People will be nice to each other, no racial partiality or substandard treatments. People will be finally reunited. Free to go on their path. No war, no drudgery, no hatred and no grudge. Love will be the only word that most prevalent to all of us. It will be a chant for unity and mantra for harmony.
It will be the beginning for where people look at you as a human respect you beyond their ethical capacity. It's the day finally gender will be just a mere word with no attributes. It's the day where all our dreams are shared with the people we love, and love will be the only infectious plague.
It's the day where people finally realize the term ecology and start to cooperate with the mother nature and embark to retreat all the tolls they have had on the mother nature. Yes, it's the day when finally you know not only dogs' are men's best friend but all living and non living creatures are.
But will this day ever occur? I remember reading in Bhagavad Gita where there is a script sounds:
"yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata abhyutthanam adharmasya
tadatmanam srjamy aham"- Chapter 4, Text 7
meaning, whenever or wherever there's a discrepancies subjected towards irreligious manifestation, I will descend Myself. We can clearly see, how this is defining on the current era. We are too censored by the environment from seeing the truth ourselves. We lost ourselves in entertainment, may it can be for good, but is it going to be like that for all day? We slowly forgetting our humane.... We enjoy mockeries, we love hurting each others both emotionally and physically. We love to criticize on people's nature as if we are the superiors. We create wars and enjoy the miseries it leads. We are happy when someone is in pain, instead of giving a helping hand, even if we do, we are expecting it to be mainstreamed and for magnified celebration of popularity. Where goes our virtues? Where is our idealness?
Again, if ever can those dreams stated above be achieved somehow, if and only if God feels so generous and make that a second full of magic and *bling* *bling*, we are all changed once and for all. Finally we can go out there say hi to another person without looking at what he is wearing, what color is his skin, what impairments he carries and what is his sexual orientation or whether he has any gender or identical crisis or is he short or tall, fat or slim, but all we do is listen and answer people with the very basic true human virtues.
But there is no need for God to perform this magic, because he created us the most advanced creatures on planet to make and take decisions ourselves, and that decision of ours is ought to make plausible changes to the environment we are livin' in. Question is, are we ready to make such a positive remark on our decision?
Have a great night you all, i leave the question at you , cuz I'm sure He made you for one good cause!
Have great days ahead,
Yours Loving Blogger Param.....
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